Wednesday, June 08, 2005

First day

Ok guys. This is the first entry of the blog. Brian bear with me here I am still learning.
Kids are doing great as you can see. Loving the HOT weather. (And we thought it would never get warm???!!) We've been laying low the past few days. Peter's boat in the shop so we can't go to the lake.. boo hoo..Nathan and Allison doing gymnastics three days a week so that is keeping us busy. The gym got a donation from somewhere and they were able to get alot of "boys" equipment so Nathan is having a ball. Still not able to do a back handspring but I bet it wont be long. That's pretty much it. LeAnn and I had a day off thanks to Peter who took the kids to the park so we hung out by the pool and gabbed.. That's it..
Later bye

1 comment:

Brian and Angela said...

Im posting a comment. Congrats on the blog..