Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Blowing out candles (second time) First time Layke did it for him plus I wasnt' ready for the shot!
Thanks Uncle Adam! Just what I wanted!!! Jurassic Park the TRILOGY!!
I dont know what this is about!
Thanks Mom & Dad. You got my Spinosaurus! (and thank you Ebay!)

Happy Birthday Nathan! We are so proud of you!

We had the 8th birthday this year at Strike Zone in Southaven.

In attendance:

Mom & Dad, Allison

LeAnn Lory & Preston Malone

Tracy Bill Sam & Reagan Wilson

Beth Brian Taylor & Caitlyn Stephens

Amanda Keith & Drew Vaughters

Brandi Shannon Layke & Laycee Spencer

All the kids had a great time.

Easter 2008

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter's Finally arrived

Friday 1pm. Kids get out of school early for "Spring Break" Due to incoming BLIZZARD.....

The kids found an interesting but foreign object in Gramps & Grancy's garage. Gramps says it will ride on the snow.... Hey this is fun.. who knew?? I bet we're the only kids in Mississippi with a snow sled...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Allison's Deep Thoughts

" Mom when you get to be 100 years old you die."
" well, you know some people live to be over 100."
"And how did they do that?", she questions.
"I suppose they eat healthy and laugh alot and get enough exercise."
"well, ok, that's good, but mom....."
"yeah honey"
"I really like to eat snacks.... and they're not so healthy"

Gas bill blues..

Well the Gas company stopped by the other day to inform us they need to make an appointment to read the meter.

We installed a fence about two years ago in front of it and apparently they've not made any attempt to read it since, thanks in part to Daisy....GUARD DOG!

Stay tuned and I'll let you know how many thousands of dollars we will owe them.
Any and all donations will be accepted.

For all of you that I bragged to about my low gas bill....Keep smilin!
