So I took the kids to the Farm for the Annual pumpkin pickin hay riding thingy we always do. They had a blast, I tried to & despite the way I felt it was a beautiful day. We did the usual. Pony Rides, feeding of the goats and cows, face painting hayriding....They had a great time. I went to the doctor that morning for cough sore throat thing like I had last year but refused to go to the Dr. until I got the walking pneumonia so I figured what the hey, better safe than sorry. He gave me the usual dope and I am feeling much better now.
That's pretty much it. Peter got the $boat$ motor in should be up and running by the end of the week...(in your dreams!)
Looking forward to seeing the tail lights of that money pit leaving this quaint little town.
Will let cha know how that goes. I am giving this little project a cuss factor of about 8.5