Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Allison's First Haircut

Here's pictures of the Haircut. She loved the idea of going to the "Beauty Shop".

Collierville Train Yard

Tracy & I took the kids to the train yard today.
It's a old train station where theyv'e got some train cars, dining cars, Caboose, Engine along with the the coal car and sleeping cars.
The kids had a great time looking around and playing.
The yard isn't open during the week only on Saturdays but hte lady inside was kind enoguht to open one of the cars. THe kids of course wanted to see it all. Had a tough time trying to explain why we didnt' get it to see everything. ANwya it's a really nice plac3e and the area surrounding it is the Historic Town square with losts of shops and restaruants . Tracy and I will have to go back one day by ourselves and make a day of it.

Pineville Trip

The trip to Pineville was great. We had a really good visit. And the kids got to hold Hudson and "pet him's head"....Alot. I think we've got him good and broke in now on the miller side..he should be just fine. Peter and Lory were unable to make the trip because of work and they were greatly missed. LeAnn & I managed just fine though.

Trip was short and sweet. However we were fortunate enough to gets lots of Family time in. We saw Nanny and Papa. Unlce Nicky (LOOKING GREAT btw. Keep up the good work!) and Aunt Linda. Unlce Steven( Hope old Arthur gives you a break soon!.) Uncle Peach(ALWAYS A HOOT!), Aunt Mary. Grandpa & Grandma Miller ( GiGi hope your balance comes back soon!) Unlce Mike and Aunt Martha. (Looking forward to seeing you guys up here agian!)

As you may have Noticed I cut off Allison's hair. Much to the disappointment of some but most everyone loves it as do Allison and I.

Hope everyone had a nice New Years and made it home safely.
